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The Laws of England, Compiled and translated into the Māori language.

§ 7

[i roto i te reo Māori]

§ 7.

In the case of a wrong done to a man himself, he who suffered the wrong may bring the case to he tried, and may ask for redress by law. Here is an instance of a Civil Injury. Suppose Tamati owes Hone money, and will not pay him; then Hone will go to the Magistrate, and he issues a Summons-paper to bring Tamati, that he and Hone may both come and state their case before the Magistrate on a day fixed for bearing them. When they come, the Magistrate hears what they both have to say, and, if he sees that Hone is in the right, he orders that the money shall be paid by Tamati.

Here is another instance. Suppose Hemi's horse has destroyed wheat belonging to Wiremu, and Hemi is not willing to pay for the damage; then Wiremn proceeds as in the former case: he goes to the Magistrate, who issues his summons to Hemi and hears what both have to say; then, if he think it right that Hemi should pay Wiremu, he orders this to be done.

As the name of this kind of wrong is a Civil Injury, so the Summons also is called a "Civil Summons."