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Journal of the Nelson and Marlborough Historical Societies, Volume 1, Issue 4, October 1984

The photograph shows what is perhaps the oldest bridge in the district that is still in use, the 'Iron Bridge' over the Buller below Lyell. completed in 1890. The punt that was used is in the foreground. – Alexander Turnbull Library

The photograph shows what is perhaps the oldest bridge in the district that is still in use, the 'Iron Bridge' over the Buller below Lyell. completed in 1890. The punt that was used is in the foreground. – Alexander Turnbull Library.

The photograph shows what is perhaps the oldest bridge in the district that is still in use, the 'Iron Bridge' over the Buller below Lyell. completed in 1890. The punt that was used is in the foreground. – Alexander Turnbull Library.