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Journal of the Nelson and Marlborough Historical Societies, Volume 1, Issue 4, October 1984

Kaituna Accommodation House, believed to have been built about 1875. This photograph was taken sometime after 1886 but before 1890. Standing in the doorway are Mr and Mrs Green with an unknown man betwen them. The boys seated on the verandah are each holding a shotgun and the dog would be for hunting the countless rabbits of the time. Interesting features In the photograph include the shingle roof, large kerosene lamp over the front door and the small pine tree to the left of the house which st…

Kaituna Accommodation House, believed to have been built about 1875. This photograph was taken sometime after 1886 but before 1890. Standing in the doorway are Mr and Mrs Green with an unknown man betwen them. The boys seated on the verandah are each holding a shotgun and the dog would be for hunting the countless rabbits of the time. Interesting features In the photograph include the shingle roof, large kerosene lamp over the front door and the small pine tree to the left of the house which still stands today as a huge tree.—Photo Marlborough Historical Society.

Kaituna Accommodation House, believed to have been built about 1875. This photograph was taken sometime after 1886 but before 1890. Standing in the doorway are Mr and Mrs Green with an unknown man betwen them. The boys seated on the verandah are each holding a shotgun and the dog would be for hunting the countless rabbits of the time. Interesting features In the photograph include the shingle roof, large kerosene lamp over the front door and the small pine tree to the left of the house which still stands today as a huge tree.
—Photo Marlborough Historical Society.