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The Founders of Canterbury

C. B. Adderley, Esq., Hams Hall, Coleshill. — Reigate, 27th September, 1849

page 111
C. B. Adderley, Esq., Hams Hall, Coleshill.
Reigate, 27th September, 1849.

Mt dear Sir,

—In consequence of your letter of yesterday, I write by this post to Mr. McGreachy, naming Tuesday next as the day when I shall be in a condition to confer with him. I also write to Godley and Mr. John Hutt, begging them to come on Monday. Mr. Hutt is also requested to sleep here on Monday, so as to meet Mr. McGreachy on Tuesday.

I will do my best under the circumstances; but considering my crippled state, and that I am not even a member of either the Association or the Company, and that Godley must be passive as respects what most regards himself, I have no confident hope of seeing matters brought right in time, (for next week is the outside of Godley's time for remaining in suspense about his movements,) save by the presence in London, and active efforts, of some of the most influential members of the Association. I will not work with less zeal because without much hope of success; but time presses so hard, that my hopes of success are faint indeed.