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Zoology Publications from Victoria University of Wellington—Nos. 66 and 67

Protaphorura armata aurantiaca (Ridley, 1880) nov. comb. — Protaphorura armata denticulata (Handschin, 1924) — Onychiurus subaequalis Bagnall, 1937 — Onychiurus flavescens Bagnall, 1935 syn. nov. — Lipura aurantiaca Ridley, 1880

Protaphorura armata aurantiaca (Ridley, 1880) nov. comb.
Protaphorura armata denticulata (Handschin, 1924)
Onychiurus subaequalis Bagnall, 1937
Onychiurus flavescens Bagnall, 1935 syn. nov.
Lipura aurantiaca Ridley, 1880

Ridley's holotype is preserved in BMNH. After examining this specimen I find that it is identical with the subspecies denticulata Handschin, 1924, and therefore Ridley's name aurantiaca takes priority over the name denticulata for this subspecies.

The type of L. aurantiaca was overlooked when my paper on the Onychiuridae was published in 1959. The hind foot which is the distinguishing structure is shown on p.135 of that paper, Fig. 12. This species is also discussed in the footnote on p.164 of my "Index to the Collembola", 1964. As Bagnall's species flavescens has a denticulate claw it is a synonym of this subspecies, and my placing of it as a synonym of P. armata in my "Index", p.166, was incorrect.

page 9
Figs. 26-31 Hymenaphorura cockleyi (Folsom), drawn from lectotype in USNM.page 10

Figs. 26-31 Hymenaphorura cockleyi (Folsom), drawn from lectotype in USNM.

Fig. 26 SO Ant III from side showing size in relation to Ant III × 420
Fig. 27 SO Ant III × 1000
Fig. 28 hind foot × 1000
Fig. 29 PAO × 1500
Fig. 30 Abd VI with anal spines and dorsal setae × 420
Fig. 31 anal spine and papilla from side × 1000

Figs. 32-36 Hymenaphorura subtenuis (Folsom), drawn from cotype in USNM.

Fig. 32 hind foot × 1000
Fig. 33 Abd VI with anal spines and dorsal setae × 420
Fig. 34 SO Ant III × 1500
Fig. 35 PAO and associated setae × 1000
Fig. 36 anal spine from side × 420