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Some Pycnogonida from Cook Strait, New Zealand, with descriptions of two new species


Material: Collection No. VUZ. 48; Stn. BOL. Cook Strait, 41° 31ʹ 30ʺ S; 174° 48ʹ E; 22/2/56; time, 1210–1330 hrs; bottom depth 70 fathoms beam trawl. 2 females, 1 male.

VUZ. 49; Stn. BOL; Cook Strait, 41° 31ʹ 30ʺ S; 174° 48ʹ E; 22/2/56, time, 1430–1515 hrs; bottom depth 70 fathoms; beam trawl; 1 female, 1 male, 1 immature.

VUZ. 55; Stn. GUJ. Off Cape Palliser, 41° 41ʹ S; 175° 13ʹ E; 23/2/56; time, 0630–0830 hrs; bottom depth 40–100 fathoms; beam trawl; 4 females.

VUZ. 99; Stn. DOJ. Off Palliser Bay, 41° 34ʹ 31ʺ S; 174° 43ʹ 30ʺ E; 29/8/57; time, 1115–1230 hrs; bottom depth about 150 fathoms; shell, sand, gravel; beam trawl; 1 male.

VUZ. 100; Stn. FOJ. Off Palliser Bay, 40° 36ʹ S; 174° 44ʹ E; 29/8/57; time, 1315–1430 hrs; bottom depth about 380 fathoms; beam trawl; 2 males, 2 females.