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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 13.



We feel compelled to pen what we hope may be a few last words in connection with the controversy that has arisen over our editorial comment of two issues ago. The various meanings and implications which have been read into those several sentences impress one very forcibly with the subtle shades of interpretation which are possible to the well-trained legal mind, and we admit a sense of loss at having missed such a broadening education. You will notice in this issue further correspondence referring to what has now come to be regarded, to all intents and purposes, as an unjustified and unfair attack on the members of the New Executive. Further than that, it would seem that in certain quarters it has been construed as a directly personal affair.

While regretting the unfortunate situation which has now been manufactured, "Smad" feels that the blame for the damage which has allegedly been done cannot with any degree of justice be attached to words which were written as a sincere comment on the Elections with no reference whatever to the members of the Executive.

A this stage, however, when certain advocates seem to have their ideas on the subject very definitely set, it seems useless to repeat this statement no matter with how much sincerity. We find it difficult to convince ourselves that the responsibility is that of this paper and not that of our misinterprets.