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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 7.

Music in the Library

Music in the Library

Books started from their shelves, and elderly foundation professors leaned forward in their frames, when the first use was made on Tuesday. April 13, 1.15-2 p.m., of the new gramophone and series of records presented by the Carnegie Trust. There was an appreciative audience of about 30, with an unexpected majority of men students. The recital was under the direction of Dr. Keys, who officially welcomed the first audience, and expressed gratification at the co-operation of the Phoenix Club, as being the purely cultured club of the College.

The first programme comprised extracts from opera, concerto, chamber music, and symphony in chronological order, from works by Purcell, Bach, Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Tschaikowsky Dr. Keys explained that future recitals, some of which will be held in the evenings, with lectures from visiting musicians, will be devoted to one, or at the most two, complete works.

From the half-dozen records played, it was evident that there was much to look forward to from the 900 or so that make up the collection. Students who are specially interested in any particular works are invited to hand to the administrative committee (Prof. Miles, Dr. Beaglehole, Mr. Miller and Dr. Keys), suggestions for incorporation in future recital programmes.