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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 2.

Correspondence — We Are Criticised


We Are Criticised

Dear "Smad,"—

Why on earth all this exuberance over freshers? It's wasted. They'll be getting swelled heads. Year after year I have witnessed different editors going into the same paroxysms of the same welcome to newcomers. Is it an elephantine attempt to make them feel at home, or is it merely to fill up a great superabundance of space. If the first is true, not many need it. If it is the second, the Editor should know what to do about it.

Freshers may be quite O.K., some of them undoubtedly are, but as a general topic on which to hang your first issues . . . Don't you think it's being rather hard on us old timers?

Admittedly we have our transittory interests in freshers—the solitary flower, wasting its sweetness, the desert air and all that sort of thing. Still why the blazes all the fuss? Who wants to make a fuss about it anyway? For heaven's sake give us something we can enjoy.

Yours etc.,

Fed Up.

[Edit.—We saw him at the Freshers' Dance looking lonely and dejected. We just wonder . . .)