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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 1.

Freshers-Welcome! — Be There Everyone!


Be There Everyone!

When lectures finish this Friday evening it behaves all students to repair forthwith to the gymnasium. There, the Freshers' Welcome and Dance will be held in the way dictated by time honoured tradition. This is the initial college social event of the year and there is no excuse for absence on the grounds of "swot." or exams, for anyone.

To "freshers" it affords their first glimpse of College life as a fraternity of young people. Every Fresher must be there—if "Smad" had its way pressure would be brought to bear to ensure 100 per cent. attendance.

The proceedings will commence punctually at 8 p.m. with the singing of the College and Haeremai Club songs, which will be conducted by Dick Simpson. The most important of these songs, which are printed below and in the S.C.M. Handbook, should be committed to memory by all students. Representatives of the Professorial Board and the Executive of the Student's Association will be present and they will impart words of advice and encouragement to all and sundry.

The revelry will then adjourn to the floor above where all will be incited to dance. You may not be a dancer of the Fred Astaire or the Ginger Rogers calibre, but who the Hell cares anyway, certainly not Students at 'Varsity dances; and this above all remember, 'faint heart ne'er won fair lady."

The purpose of this gathering is to precipitate students head first into Varsity life. You will be given every opportunity of mixing with and making the acquaintance of other freshers and older students, and you will have no-one but yourself to blame if you do not feel thoroughly at home in this new-social environment.

In order that the whole atmosphere of this function should be one of complete freedom with everyone at his ease, informality in dress is most desirable. The fact of not possessing a dinner jacket or an expensive evening frock should not, therefore, be allowed to deter any one of you from attending. Be assured that you will have a thoroughly good time, but you must come along prepared to enter into the spirit of the thing. Admission is free to all freshers.