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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1936. Volume 7. Number 18.

Old Students On Club Committees

Old Students On Club Committees.

The principal motion of the evening, the repeal of the amendment outlined above was introduced by Mr. E. Blacker. "Smad" noticed in particular members of the Rifle Club in full muster to support the motion. Their colonel-in-chief, Mr. H. M. Sansum, gave a long speech on character training. However we don't hold that against him. Mr. Scotney gave his accustomed burst of impassioned oratory.

The best incident of the evening was the admission of Mr. Wild, when called upon to decide a point of order, that he hadn't been listening. Mr. McGhie's contribution to the discussion was to volunteer the information he had been eight years an undergrad.

The motion was carried and once more past students are eligible for club officership.