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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1936. Volume 7. Number 11.

Victoria House

Victoria House

The Victoria House veterans not [unclear: pet] forecibly rejected are this year [unclear: ecidedly] in the minority, owing to a large influx of Training College students. Several of our old members judged it expedient to depart, referring freedom to rules and regulations although the survivors [unclear: have] found these bearable. The contingent from Training College [unclear: for] pulling its weight in the world by becoming dept at mantua-[unclear: maker's] seams (whatever they [unclear: might] bel) and plasticene [unclear: elechants].

We duly went along to Tournament and nobly cheered the losers. We took part in the Extravaganza, and idd we enjoy it?—Anne Howe! We still make the usual noise, [unclear: opend] some time in work, grumble [unclear: at] the usual things. And did we [unclear: have]—yes?—