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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1936. Volume 7. Number 11.

Mr. J. C. White, LL.B

Mr. J. C. White, LL.B.

Last year's Editor of "Smad," John White is standing for the Vice-Presidency. His offices this year are:—Delegate and Secretary Treasurer of the Tournament Committee, Chairman of the Wellington Law Students' Society and Chairman of the law Faculty Club.

His aims:—"I should like to see the Executive continue as an efficient business organisaton with however, the ideals of the tru University for its chief consideration. Interest seems to be flaging in some of the leading Club—the reasons should be sought out and removed. A Capping Committee should control Capping Week and every endeavour should be made to reinstate the Procession. "Smad" should..." ("100 words up," we thankfully remarkd gathering up our papers.)