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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1936. Volume 7. Number 11.

The Pugs Forgather

The Pugs Forgather

Last Thursday, "Smad" sauntered into the Boxing Club's annul meeting, to find Mr. Armour presiding over a group of hard-faced pugs. The retiring Secretary aplogised for his failure to post the Annual Report upon the Notice Board owing to "business difficulties."

"Smad" listened to the account of the team's fine showing at Easter; to Mr. Campbell's outburst against the weighing-in system; to Mr. Edgley's suggestion for regular weekly winter training in co-operation with Training College; to Mr. Drummond's snoring; to the election of the following Committee:—Club Captain, R. W. Edgley; Vice-Captain, A. H. Armour; Sec.-Treasurer, W. P. Edwards; Committee, Messrs. Campbell, Lima, Stewart and Tossman.