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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1935. Volume 6. Number 5.


The Executive meeting on Thursday opened with an added dignity, due to Professor Brown's visit. As chairman of the Professorial Board he discussed several matters of present importance—the forthcoming capping celebrations, Common Room reform, and the prospect of a satisfactory financial year. Capping was discussed, and after a strong recommendation for mercy towards the professors—meaning, of course, to get the frivolity over and let them settle down with their classes to good solid grind, Professor Brown took his departure. He left the Executive with knitted brows and pallid faces and at least fifty-seven motions. . . . . before them.

The minutes were finally passed about 9.15 p.m. The pile of correspondence brought to light problems of which the harassed executive had not even dreamed. First came Thyra Gill's resignation, which caused some consternation and no little regret. The question concerning candidates for a new committee woman caused considerable conclave, but this will be determined at the next meeting. Then Mr. Wild's bright idea about a caliphont for the showers in the men's changing-room occupied the attention of the meeting Ways and means were discussed whereby the shower could be turned into—if not a money-making. at least a self-supporting affair; but the answer was invariably cold water. The scheme is undoubtedly a good one and the expenditure in this direction will be well worth while.

Caught in the Act!

Caught in the Act!

The Cafeteria Comptroller enjoys some V.U.C. broth.