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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1935. Volume 6. Number 3.

The Power of the Pen

The Power of the Pen.

There is a need to-day, perhaps more than has ever been the case in the past, for the greatest possible amount of thought to be applied to the solutions of the problems of society. But all this thinking must be in a form suitable for study and comparison, and we believe the most suitable form for the purpose to be the printed word.

This is an appeal, therefore, to all who think, but do not write. They may tell their thoughts to others, but ideas thus expressed are often so changed with the telling that soon they bear no semblance to the thoughts first spoken.

There are many amongst us who can help in a multitude of ways. Some can tell of art, others of the fruits of science, and still others of the many-sided controversies that rage in economic fields. We ask them all to tell of their wisdom, and in a way that their thoughts may live among us even when they are gone.

For how can thought be better told than with the pen. There thoughts turned words, are spoken forever and their worth is weighed in a thousand scales, while a multitude of cleansing fires burn the dross away, till at length we meet the precious gold that was born in the mind of man.

It may be that your pen is halting—that your words come lame and slow. But let that not deter you, for your ideas are what matter. And then, how can you wield a facile pen unless you write, and write, to find the words that will most aptly tell your thinking.