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The Spike or Victoria University College Review 1934


The Executive reverted to the former practice of commencing Capping Week with the Procession. Although it was doubtful until the last minute whether the police ban on processions of any description would be relaxed and many were precluded from preparing stunts owing to their nights being fully taken up with Extrav. rehearsals, the Haeremai Club rose to the occasion. Considering these difficulties and the fact that the Procession had had to be abandoned during the past few years through no fault of the College, the Procession, shepherded rapidly through the city by the police, was a success and provided valuable experience for next year. If the Procession was not as exciting as in most years, the traditional speeches in Post Office Square were definitely Elizabethan. Perhaps next year's speakers will rely less on the bludgeon and more on the rapier when preparing their harangues. This year's Procession proved that selling "Cappicades" is a jolly sight more enjoyable than taking part in an elaborate stunt, and much easier, except perhaps on the feet.