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The Spike or Victoria University College Review 1934


Athletics was an event in the first Tournament, and few changes have been made in the programme since then. In the majority of events V.U.C. has had more than a fair share of wins, the field events being the glaring weakness. (O.U. have had 23 wins out of 27 contests in throwing the hammer!) Up to the last few years Victoria had held the Athletics Shield on more occasions than any of the other Colleges, but C.U.C. has now drawn ahead to lead by 11 wins to V.U.C.' 10, with O.U. having won the Shield nine times and A.U.C. as yet without a win. Auckland teams have never had much success in this branch of Tournament, their best performance being in 1914, the only occasion in which they have been runners up.

The standard in the Athletic events in Tournament has always been high and athletes of high calibre are needed to score points for their College. Many such men have represented V.U.C. on the track and individual mention here would require so much space that it has been necessary to tabulate the results. Outstanding as far as collecting points for the Shield is concerned have been F. W. B. Goodbehere, L. A. Tracy, M. Lead-better, F. H. Stephenson, E. B. Smith, C. B. Allan, A. D. Priestley, T. Rigg, A. Hudson, A. B. Sievwright, A. G. Bogle, G. S. Strack, A. Jackson, F. S. Ramson, D. Barker and G. J. Sceats. V.U.C. has no complaint of the performance of her athletes, and the keenness of the present Athletic Club augurs well for the future.