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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1934. Volume 5. Number 6.

Dram. Club Attacked

Dram. Club Attacked

Dear Sir.

At the beginning of the year, I was interested in the announcement of the Dramatic Club that "each year's" batch of freshers is closely scrutinised for actors and actresses of promise," and also that. "Circle readings for new students are to be arranged early in the new term"—etc.

I know of several freshers who are keenly interested in acting, have entered their names and attended practically every meeting. So far, however, I have yet to see a fresher given a part., good or bad, while the circle readings for new students only page 9 resemble Mr. Forbe's Golden Age in that they never materialise.

The casts themselves were of a very poor standard for a Varsity club. In many cases, the leading parts were taken by poker-like, inaudible readers, who, were repeatedly given parts, without any atempt to discover new talent. Because of this, most of the plays dragged intolerably and were boring in the extreme. One can hardly blame an audience for gradually dispersing when a leading player giggled uncontrollably in a dramatic scene or addresses his necktie or the back of the stage. Does the Dramatic Club really imagine that this is the best of the Varsity's talent?

I shall be interested to learn, in view of these facts, the explanation of the Club's attitude towards freshers.

I am, Yours Truly,

Wake up, Dramatic Club."