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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1934. Volume 5. Number 1.

Dramatic Club

Dramatic Club

Although the usual third term production was not staged last year, several interesting evenings were held, which, unfortunately, owing to the proximity of the examinations, attracted small audiences. An excellent revival was Sean O'Casey's painfully real drama, "Juno and the Paycheck," in which Miss Geraldine Gallagher, as Juno, gave one of the finest leadings of the year.

Squire and Balderstone's "Berkeley Square," with its strange blend of romanticism and modernity, was a welcome change from the stereotyped comedy of manners so much in the vogue at present, and was well received. Throughout the year the Club pursued the policy of trying out beginners on every possible occasion, and ii by this means some old established favourites were sacrificed, the discovery of such genuine talent justified the action.

A big programme has been drawn up by the Committee for the ensuing year, and It is expected that the College production of Anthony Kimmin's high-spirited farce, "While Parents Sleep," about the middle of March, will achieve considerable success.

Of the plays to be read in the forthcoming year, the following are well worthy of mention: "Richard of Bordeaux." "The Late Christopher Bean," "Alien Corn," and Somerset Maughan's most brilliant piece, "For Services Rendered."

New students who wish to take part in the Club readings requested to communicate with the Secretary. On receipt of such applications, parts will be found for them at the first available opportunity