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The Spike or Victoria University College Review 1932

Senior A

Senior A.

Fielding a very young and inexperienced back-line, the First Fifteen did not anticipate being placed among the leading teams and indeed finished well down on the ladder. However, the experience gained by these young backs will serve them in good stead, and next year the team should be a really good one.

The forwards were solid and good, and were ably led by Roy Diederich, who played excellently during the season.

The side drew a row of hard teams at the start of the season, and lost the first six games, the match against Athletic, which was lost 5—9, being the closest. The seventh game against Old Boys looked like being another loss to the side five minutes from time, since the score was three nil against the fifteen. However, a last minute try and conversion saw the game pulled out of the fire 5—3.

Following this win the team defeated Miramar the week after, played a hard game for a 0—5 loss against Marist, and then turned round and decisively defeated the strong Eastbourne fifteen on their own ground 22—11.

A driving southerly with wind and rain, on Prince of Wales Park saw the team have a 4—0 win against Berhampore, a brilliant drop-kick by Ruru being the only score in the game. This brought the first round to a close with University having scored eight championship points.

Oriental were the first side played in the second round, and the fifteen avenged their former defeat in a good fast game. Marist, who had previously

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defeated Poneke, met 'Varsity the following Saturday, and a splendid game saw Turner even things for the College with a good last minute drop-kick.

However the side's run of successes was broken by a defeat at the hands of Hutt, and a rather unlucky loss against Eastbourne on Athletic Park. However, the team won the next two games against Berhampore and Miramar, but lost the last game, when they met the improved Old Boys' fifteen, the absence of Ruru being decidedly noticeable.

The team finished up with 15 championship points. The following played for the team:— Backs: Cormack, Dickenson, Ruru (vice-captain), N. Hislop, Young, Webb, Thompson, Kane, Thurston, Wild, Leitch, Clifford-Jones, Whitcombe, Jerram, Turner. Forwards: Bade, Beaumont, Edwards, Elliott, Wood, Hart, Dixon, Blacker, Diederich (captain), Hope and Espiner.