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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review, June 1928

Basketball Club

Basketball Club

Early in the year the Basketball Club resumed its activities, enthusiastically preparing for the forthcoming tournament. The tournament team turned out regularly to practice and when Easter came were all very fit. Owing to the inclemency of the weather the games were held in the Garrison Hall. The first game was Wellington v. Auckland, which resulted in a victory for the latter by 25 to 9. It was a fast exciting game, interesting to the spectators and very enjoyable to the players. Auckland, however, could show us a few points in goal shooting. In our next match Wellington outclassed Canterbury in an inferior game by 40 to 9. Auckland, by defeating Otago in the final, for the second time in succession, won the basketball.

Since Easter the basketball club has been very active, three teams having been entered for the Association games. The holidays always interfere with our first matches, but now, with the help of our able coach, Miss O. M. Sheppard, we are looking forward to a successful season. The girls are enthusiastic and any Tuesday may be seen hard at it in the Gym.