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The Spike or Victoria University College Review September 1925

Give it its Due!

Give it its Due!

Football has been recognised for many years as a universal game for men and boys all the world over. What Football can be to men, Basketball can be to women and girls. It is recognised by medical authorities as a most suitable game for the average girl, who can obtain pleasure and fine exercise if she plays correctly in a scientific manner. The game is now played officially in primary schools everywhere in the Dominion, and in page 63 most of the secondary schools. Therefore, it follows that the highest educational body should lead in this respect. Objection has been raised that the game is one only for children, but those who are of this opinion should make an opportunity to witness a first-class game, and as all Basketball enthusiasts know, the remarks would be withdrawn.

A University encourages science, whether in lecture-room or in sports field, and also preaches health for the nation. Basketball is the healthiest team game for women, therefore, it deserves encouragement and your support in the effort to make it an official part of the New Zealand University Tournament.

The game is in its infancy in New Zealand, but is going to be the national game for girls. Although barely two years old, the parent body has affiliated over two thousand girls to it from Auckland to Invercargill. Will the University among whose women students the game is played, and played well, not help forward the Basketball movement? The Association asks that the University Associations take their share in promoting the game, which can do so much for the physical education of the women of this country.