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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review September 1921

Dramatic Club

Dramatic Club

Since the "Spike" was last published, the College has seen the formation of yet another club—the Dramatic Club.

It was felt that there was lying dormant in the students a considerable amount of histrionic ability, and with the object of discovering this hidden talent, the above Club has been formed.

At present the activities take the form of readings, and to date the following plays have been rendered: "School for Scandal," "Much Ado About Nothing." "The Great Adventure" and "Mrs. Dot." The readings have clearly demonstrated that the Club has a great future. The annual Extravaganza will benefit considerably by being able to draw on the best talent in the Club.

On September 10th there will be a dramatic evening in the College "Gym." when the following plays will be presented : Chiselling," " A Pair of Lunatics." and "Wurzel Flummery." The proceeds will be used to defray the expenses of the Plunket Medal Contest.

The Club also hopes to be able to assist the new fund formed for the purpose of paying the travelling expenses of the Easter Tournament delegates.

Membership has been limited to fifty, and vacancies will be announced as they occur.