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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review September 1921



Versus Karori. Won, 3—2. A game in the mud the first spell of which Karori had the advantage In the second spell we attained surprising combination and notched three goals per Whitehead, A. Cousins, and Beere. Our thanks are due to Messrs. Beere, Eichelbaum, Kean, and Gaze, old students who filled the gaps during the vacation, and who turned out at the shortest notice.

Versus Wellington. Drawn 1 all. Owing to vacation, we were handicapped and our team disorganised. Nevertheless we did not play up to standard, and were lucky to draw. Wellington showed much better combination. Whitehead scored for us.

Versus Huia. Won 5—1. A decisive win and a good game. Several of our players "found themselves, and our forward line showed to advantage. Gardner played a good game, scoring two "beauties" Miles notched two and Cousins the other.

Versus Wesley. Won . 8—4. The game, as the score indicates, was mostly confined to the forwards, It was fast, clean, and open; but the Wesley halves were weak owing to the absence of members. Goals were obtained by Eager 2, Miles 3, Whitehead 2, and Kirk.

Versus United. Lost, 3—1. We met our old rivals and had the best of clean games. The experience of United told in the closing stages, although we attacked practically the whole of the second half. We had the hardest of luck. but the better team won. Miles scored a good goal.