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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review September 1921

Mathematical and Physical Society

Mathematical and Physical Society

We would again like to remind students that it is not considered criminal, nor yet is it a sign of weak mentality, to attend a meeting of this Society. It exists for the good of all and not merely for a few. Pass students in particular should avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing what is a little outside their regular course of lectures, yet which is in no way "above their heads." We look to these students to carry on in the future, and for this reason they should make it their aim to get acquainted with the work of the Society.

On July 8th, Professor Sommerville spoke on "Some Mathematical Problems connected with Navigation." He outlined the methods by which a ship's position is worked out from day to day, and how this applied to the sailing of the ship. We only wish that more could have been present to hear this address.

There was a somewhat larger attendance on August 5th, when we experimented quite successfully with a "students' evening." Mr. M. N. Rogers gave a paper on "Radioactivity and Geology," and this was followed by an outline of the "Wave Transmission of Power," by E. W. Tiller. The idea of having from the students is an excellent one as it gives them an opportunity of getting on their feet in front of an audience, and moreover it gives them a knowledge of a subject which they would otherwise not get.

It is doubtful if' any more meetings can be held this year owing to the proximity of examinations, but there is every indication of a successful year in 1922.