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The Spike: or, Victoria University College Review, June 1919


page 47


Sketch of women hitting tennis ball

For the last four years the Tennis Club has been greatly handicapped by the war conditions, nevertheless it has managed to carry on successfully. A number of our former members are now returning from the Front, and this fact, combined with our present good financial position, promises a very succesful year.

We are glad to be able to record that the University Tournament resumed this season and was held at Dunedin during the Easter vacation. A strong team was selected and sent down, and although experiencing a rough voyage down, they played very creditably. Miss Waldie and Mr. Atmore secured the Combined Doubles and Miss Easterfield was in the finals for the Singles, while Miss Sievwright was in the semi-finals.

Our hearty thanks are due to the Dunedin students for the splendid way in which they treated the Wellington representatives. Each member of the team who played in the tournament was awarded a blazer.

We have now re-organised the "ladder," and great interest in "climbing" it has been shown by Club members.

In connection with the courts, several improvements were carried out at the commencement of the season. A concrete wall was erected to prevent the clay bank slipping down on the court. A path has been erected at the northern end of the court, and this adds greatly to the comfort of the players, who never seemed to appreciate the interruptions of those taking a short cut.

To many the most enjoyable item of the whole season was the Tennis Club dance, held on the 17th May, in the Gymnasium. The whole affair went with a swing from beginning to end, and was voted by many as the most successful yet held. Again our thanks are due to a certain young lady who rescued the Committee when in despair over the non-appearance of programmes.