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The Spike: or, Victoria University College Review, June 1919

Olla Podrida

page 41

Olla Podrida

"Wanted to sell, Ford car in splendid condition. Will last a lifetime."—"Post."

Yes, no doubt, but the question is "whose?"

"Peace Terms Announced. Berlin Stunned."—"Post."

The result, we imagine, of its unfortunate geographical position.

"Mr. Bonar Law, in the House of Commons, admitted the importance of the question of distributing enemy merchantmen according to lasses, but as the matter was unsettled he could not make a statement."—"Times."

We do not blame him for his reticence.

"Wanted, a baker, second hand."—"Dominion." Perhaps this explains Wellington's lack of first-class bread.

"A snip for men who wear trousers."—"Post." Why leave the others out in the cold?

"Wanted to sell Baby, new (facing) Folding Pram."—"Post."

A good idea to put them up together.

"Wanted to sell, fur coat, good as new; Russian picked skins, wear for ever; 30 guineas. Hotter Climale."—"Post."

Asbestos suiting would doubtless be an acceptable exchange.