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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review, October 1908

III a Matches

III a Matches.

V.C. v V.C. III b. Lost 3—2. Smith scored. New method of stopping tried. Result one broken nose, a split face and an eclipsed eye. Four short.

V.C. v Vivian. Lost 6—2. Six men this time. Scorer Smith. 'Nuff said.

V.C. v Wellington. Lost 3—1. Opponents blacked our goalkeeper's eye and scored winning goals on "blind" side. Scorer's name was Smith.

V.C. v Y.M.C.A. Won 6—1. Three referees tried. Enemy's tactics "win, tie or wrangle."

V.C. v United. Won 6—0. United, who fought amongst themselves, utterly routed. Smith the "goal demon" and Macalister 3 each.

V.C. v Wellington. Lost 2—1. The passing or the Championship. It was always a sickly child.

V.C. v V.C. III b. Won 3—2. Both teams played as though "possessed." Level pegging until the III b goalkeeper succumbed to attractions of the fair barrackers and enabled the winning goal to be shot.

V.C. v Vivian. Won 6—1. A bloodless victory S. Macalister (3), M. Macalister (2) and Winder secured our goals.

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V.C. v Thorndon. Lost 4—1. Inder, a hatless Rugby Rough, severely mauled an opponent and scored. Match started very late, difficult at finish to distinguish friends from foes.

V.C. v Wesley. Won 7—0. Goals Lyon, another retired footballer, (6) and Cleghorn (1), (to break the monotony.) Referee not required.

V.C. v Wesley. Won '8—3. Half way through second spell score stood 3—2 against us. Captain Smith then addressed the team deprecating their spirit of procrastination. The III a's returned to the charge with renewed vigour and before the astonished Wesleyans could recover, the game had ended as above. Scorers, Rutherford (4), Smith (2), Lyon and Cleghorn.

V.C. v Y.M.C.A. Won 5—2. Smith and one or two others scored goals. Both teams tired.