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The Spike or Victoria College Review, June 1908

Ladies' Debating Club

Ladies' Debating Club.

"Men may talk just now and then,
But we talk on for ever."

That shy reserve which is so marked a trait of the lady students of this College, probably prompted the idea they should form a Debating Society where their utterance would page 81 not become profaned by falling on male ears. The idea seems to have been taken up with enthusiasm and the Club is now a live institution, Its meetings are held on the same evenings as those of the older Debating Society, commencing at a quarter to seven. At the first meeting, held on the 30th May an address was given by E. J. Fitzgibbon for the purpose of enlightening the ladies as to how to speak. The remainder for the meeting will be occupied by debates on varied subjects, to a great extent the same as those chosen by the College Debating Society. It is to be hoped that, as a result of the new Club's operations, the ladies will gain sufficient confidence to speak at meeting to which the public is admitted. The officers of the Club are as follows : —

Chairman : Miss Mellsop. Vice-Chairman : Miss Barkas.

Secretary : Miss Reeve.

Committee : Misses Ivey, Currie, and E. R. Fell.