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New Zealand: Acts affecting Native Lands, 1886, 1888-91 and 1894-95

New Zealand. Analysis

New Zealand. Analysis.

1.Short Title.
(1.)Land-tax and Income-tax.
3.Proviso to section 10 of "The Land and Income Assessment Acts Amendment Act, 1893."
4.Seotion 25 of the principal Act amended.
(2.)Non-resident Agents.
5.Non-resident agent to obtain license to carry on business in lieu of paying income-tax.
(3.)Additional Exemptions from Tax.
6.Additional exemptions.
(4.)Land-tax in respect of Native Land.
7.Native land occupied by other than a Maori liable to ordinary land-tax.
8.Mortgages held by Maoris also liable.
9.Occupier of land or mortgagor deemed agent of Maori owner.
10.Date from which such tax payable. Assessments validated.
11.Section 16 of principal Act modified.