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Maori Deeds of Old Private Land Purchases in New Zealand, From the Year 1815 to 1840, with Pre-Emptive and Other Claims

Deeds—No. 313

Deeds—No. 313.

Pukahoe Block, River Waima, Hokianga District

1840. 20 January.Hokianga District. This Indenture made and entered into this twentieth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty between Ko Taranaki a native chief of New Zealand and Ko Ngahu son of the aforesaid chief both of the river Waima of the one Pukahoe.Strout and Harrison.part and Henry Harrison of the river Waima in New Zealand Carpenter and Henry Ashford Strout of the river Waima, Cooper, of the other part. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the payment of the articles hereafter reserved and of the covenants hereinafter contained on the part of the said Henry Harrison and the said Henry Ashford Strout their Executors and Administrators and assigns to be paid and performed, They the said Ko Taranaki and Ko Ngahu hath sold, covenant, and agree and by these presents doth sell and deliver unto the said Henry Harrison and Henry Ashford Strout their executors administrators and assigns All that part or parcel of land known by the name of Ko Wekatahi and adjoining the premises of Alexander Boundaries. [600 acres.]Chapman on the right hand side of the river Waima called Papawakahotu and running down the front of main River about half a mile to a certain landmark adjoining the Native settlement and called by the name of Kopokahu and bounded in the rear by the hills having wood on their tops together with all the timber on the said ground or premises giving and delivering up the quiet and peaceable possession of the same without any further molestation from the said Natives. They the said Henry Harrison and Henry Ashford Strout will pay unto the said Ko Taranaki and Ko Ngahu the above Receipt.mentioned articles, viz., one fowling piece, fifty pounds of powder, one pr. blankets, three shirts, jacket waistcoat and trowsers, one bag of shot, one iron pot, plates knives and forks, two gown pieces, 1 pr. shoes and 1 pr. stockings, two rugs, 1 cap, 1 Handkerchief and bar of soap one chest, 1 spade, 1 shot belt and 1 pr. Braces on the date of signing this Indenture. The property to all intents and purposes sold and delivered unto the said Henry Harrison and the said Henry Ashford Strout their heirs adminis-page 272trators and assigns for ever. As Witness whereof we the said Natives have hereunto set our hands and seals this twentieth day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty.

Sgnd. Ko Taranaki x his mark.
Ko Ngahu.

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of—
Signed Thomas Hollandsworth x his mark.
Wm. Nicholason x his mark.
Benj. Baker x his mark.
Jas. Phillips Lloyd.

True Copy.

J. Davis, Int.

No. 217.O.L.C.A True Transcript of Certified Copy of Original Deed.

H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, 7th January, 1879.