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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume Two



We have received on this day on the twenty second of the days of December in the1853. 22 December.Moroa. year one thousand eight hundred and fifty three (1853) the sum of One Hundred Pounds (£100) being part of the sum which it was agreed should be given to us in theReceipt for £100. days of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty four (1854). This is the second instalment for the land sold by us to the Queen; that is, the land at the Paotumokai and on to Waenga awa.

Wiremu Kingi Tutepakihirangi,
and 4 others.

Witnesses to these payments and signatures—

John P. Russell, Settler, Wangai Moana, Wairarapa.

A True Copy of Original Receipt and Translation.

H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, February 4th, 1876.