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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume Two



This Deed written on this twenty second 22nd day of June in the year of our Lord1853. 22 June.Wairarapa District. one thousand eight hundred and fifty three is a document of the entire consent of us the Chiefs and people of Ngatikahungunu whose name are attached hereunto to sell and entirely cede our land the boundaries of which are hereunder described and the plan of which is endorsed hereon to Victoria the Queen of England and to the Kings orCastle-Point. Queens who may succeed Her for ever. And in consideration of our consent for us for our relatives and for our descendants who may be born after us to entirely cede this land Victoria the Queen of England on Her part agrees to pay us for that land the sum of Two thousand five hundred Pounds in money (£2500). We have this day received One thousand PoundsReceipt for £1,000. (£1000) of that money from Mr. McLean. One thousand Pounds (£1000) of that money, being the second instalment is to be paid to us in May 1854. Five hundred Pounds being the third and final payment is to be paid to us in the month of May 1855. That will be the very last payment which we shall receive for this land of ours for ever.
The boundaries of the land commence at Whareama the Whareama river being theBoundaries. boundary as far as Te Horo, on reaching there it runs along Mangapakia to Whakereru and on to Taueru, to Manuwhiri, to Whangaehu, to Ahiaruhi on reaching Ahiaruhi it goes in an Easterly direction to Taumatawangai thence to Ihuraua thence to Tiraumea thence to Tiheitane thence along the summit of Puketoi to Wahatuara from thence it turns towards the sea to Te Komata, to Te Rakaupuhipuhi to Otuarehua, to Whakaroro to Waimata thence to the sea thence following the sea coast to the Whareama river.
We have in our meetings held to discuss about this land considered we have greeted we have cried over we have finally bidden farewell to and entirely ceded these lands which we inherited from our ancestors as a permanent possession from us under the shining sun of this day with its trees its waters its minerals whether underneath or on the earth and everything appertaining to that land to Victoria the Queen of England and to the Kings or Queens who may succeed Her for ever. The places reserved for theNative reserves. Maoris within these boundaries are as follows: 1. The first portion is at Ngatahuna the boundary is according to the survey of Te Otene and Eraser the surveyor. 2. The second portion is Waitutu. 3. The third portion is Takapuae. 4. The fourth is Porotawao the North Eastern boundary is Atukai, the inland boundary is Te Aruhiateumutahi thence to Turaoneone thence to the coast at Te Rerenga. 5. The fifth portion is Whakataki, the North-Eastern boundary is Awahuri inland to Pakohai thence to Te Wakaraho thence by the sea to Te Wawae. 6. Sixth the small piece at Rangiwhakaoma called Waihiharori one boundary being Guthrie's fence and the sea the other. 7. The seventh is inland of Akitio and is Taurangawaio the North Eastern boundary is Ngawhakaparara, Taitoaro is the inland boundary and the Akitio river is the other boundary. 8. The eighth is between the Oahanga river and Mataikona the inland boundary is at Waiohakura thence in a direct line to Arawata the sea is the other boundary. There is one little fishing place for the Maoris at Waimimiha and another small place at Puketewai. We consent to allow the Queen's high roads to be made over our reservesRight of public road allowed through reserves. whenever the Governor of New Zealand shall think fit to make such roads, which are to be used by us and the Europeans. And in token of our consent on our own behalf on behalf of our relatives and our descendants who may be born after us to all the contents of this document winch has been read over and published to us by Mr. McLean we sign our names and make our solemn marks.

And in token of the consent of Victoria the Queen of England on Her part to all the conditions of this document Mr. McLean Land Purchase Commissioner of the Governor of New Zealand signs his name hereunto.

