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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume Two



This Deed written on this first day of January in the year of Our Lord One thousand1868. 1 January.Whanganui District. eight hundred and sixty eight is a document of the absolute sale giving over full cession and entire giving up by us the Chiefs and people of these tribes Ngapoutama, Ngatituera, Ngatihinearo, Ngatihine, Ngatituhekerangi, Ngatitukorero, Ngatihinga, Ngatihou and Ngatipuru whose names are hereunder written. Now this deed witnesseth that we,Parikino. for ourselves, our relatives and our descendants, by the signing of our names to this document have altogether given up to Victoria the Queen of England to Her heirs the Kings and Queens who may succeed Her and to Her and their assigns in consideration of the sum of money stated in this document to be paid to us by Dr. Featherston Land Purchase Commissioner according to the conditions herein set forth All that parcel of land in the district of Whanganui in the Province of Wellington called Parikino the boundaries of which are given below with its trees its minerals its waters its large streams its lakes its small streams and everything belonging to that land whether on the surface or under the surface thereof together with all our rights titles and interests in the said land To Hold to Queen Victoria Her Heirs or Assigns for ever And in token of our consent to all the conditions of this document our names and marks are hereunto appended And in token of the consent of the Queen of England on Her part to all the conditions of this document the name of Dr. Featherston Land Purchase Commissioner is hereunto attached. These are the boundaries of the land which weBoundaries. have sold: The boundary on the North is Whanganui; the boundary inland and on the South is Mangawhero; the boundary on the East commences at the mouth of Whauteihi and follows the survey line; the boundary on the West commences at the mouth of Mahitihiti thence along the survey line. The area of that land is estimated at—thousand acres. This is the arrangement as to the price: There will be one price for the portion to be set apart as a town, there will be another price for the suburban portion. The portion for the town is on the bank of the Whanganui one mile in length and one mile in width the area is six hundred and forty acres the priceSold at acreage rates for town and suburban lands. for which is five pounds per acre, the price for the suburban land is one shilling and six pence per acre. Now this is the manner in which the payments will be made the money will not be paid all at once but when the different portions are sold at the Government sales then the portions which have been disposed of will be paid for. When the town land is sold then the five pounds will be paid to the Maoris and in like manner when the suburban land is sold the one shilling and sixpence will be paid to the Maoris and so on until all the land shall be sold. Now this is the arrangement about the one thousand Pounds which we are to receive it is first to be made up put of the sales and then the moneys arising out of each subsequent sale are to be divided amongst us. These areNative reserves. the pieces which have been set apart as Reserves for us within the boundaries which we now sell to the Queen: On the Mangawhero side there are two Reserves each of One thousand acres; there is one on the line to Mahitihiti; there is one on the line to Whauteihi; on the Whanganui side there is Arero-o-te-uru, one hundred acres; the cultivations at Waka-uru-awaka on the Whauteihi side, ten acres; the reserves in the town are two the aggregate area of which is six acres and a quarter; there is also the Kahikatea bush said to contain forty acres, These are all the reserves. Now, we all the Chiefs and people making this deed have fully agreed to this manner of payment as a fixed arrangement; we therefore sign our names and make our marks.


Correct Translation.

T. E. Young,
Translator, Native Department.

A True Copy of Original Deed and Translation.

H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, January 13th, 1877.