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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Personal Volume

"Can we Help?"

"Can we Help?"

It will take some time before the peoples of the world will agree to such a method of settling disputes. But that is no reason why those who desire peace should not begin to agitate for such a reform. At first, and perhaps for some time, those who are dissatisfied with the decisions of the court may refuse to obey the court's decree. There will be non-pacifists amongst nations, just as we have amongst ourselves non-pacifists who will not submit, unless there is force, to the decrees even of our industrial courts. Have we not even in New Zealand, where there is a free triennial-elected Parliament and adult suffrage, seen misguided militarists causing riots because they could not get industries under their control? Have we not seen such non-pacifists, some unsocial "Socialists," acting contrary to law? Once the blessings of peace are, however, realised, we will not have amongst nations such military ideas. Brotherhood will win adherents, and force be resorted to only by the criminal or non-normal classes.

Can we help to establish such a peace? I think we can. It was asked by an American how could he train his children to be obedient, respectful and kindly? And the answer given to him by another American was: "Be yourself obedient, respectful and kindly." If, then, our people really desire peace, let them be peaceable. Let them obey our laws, All disputes—even industrial dispute—are by our law to be settled by judicial tribunals. Let the decrees of such tribunals bo obeyed. They may be wrong decrees; no judges are page 9 infallible. If an attempt is made by force to disobey these decrees and stop people working unless they obey, not the decrees of the court, but the decrees of some self-appointed associations or unions, then war is proclaimed and the basis of true democracy is attacked. Such action will make neither for peace nor for brotherhood. If we wish brotherhood and peace, let us act as brothers and be peaceable. A man or woman who calls himself or herself a pacifist and says that he or she is for the brotherhood of humanity, but attempts in our State to set our laws at naught, and to force any portion of our people to act contrary to the law, either misunderstands what peace means or is not honest.