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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 84

Rules of Order

Rules of Order.

I. That members wishing to address the meeting shall communicate with the Recording Secretary beforehand, that the President may arrange programme, and also time.

II. That subjects of special importance shall be notified a week, or, if possible, a fortnight beforehand, to allow members time for consideration in view of debate.

III. That openers on both sides of a debate be allowed fifteen minutes each for papers or addresses, and five minutes each for reply, previous to the President's summing-up.

IV. That no member shall speak more than once to any motion, unless in explanation, or to reply, as in Rule III.

V. That Superintendents of Departments shall periodically present a report, so that the interest in all matters of the Union be sustained.

VI. Members are requested not to converse with each other during the business portion of the meeting.