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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 80a

Division List, Wednesday, the 24th day of August 1892

Division List, Wednesday, the 24th day of August 1892.

Subject: Ocean Beach Public Domain Bill, Clause 23.

Question put, That the Clause be postponed.

Ayes, 8. Noes, 14.
The Hon. Mr. Barnicoat. The Hon. Mr. Hart.
The Hon. Sir P. A. Buckley, K.C.M.G. The Hon. Mr. C. J. Johnston.
The Hon. Mr. Dignan. The Hon. Mr. McLean.
The Hon. Mr. Holmes. The Hon. Mr. Oliver.
The Hon. Dr. Pollen. The Hon. Mr. Ormond.
The Hon. Mr. Reynolds. The Hon. Mr. Pharazyn,
The Hon. Mr. Stevens. The Hon. Mr. Scotland.
The Hon. Mr. Swanson. The Hon. Mr. Stewart.
The Hon. Mr. Taiaroa.
The Hon. Mr. Walker.
The Hon. Major Wahawaha.
The Hon. Sir G. S. Whitmore, K.C.M.U.
The Hon. Mr. Whyte,
The Hon. Mr. Williams.