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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 76

Third Year (15th to 16th years). Wordsworth: "Resolution and Independence"; "Michael"; "The Brothers."

Third Year (15th to 16th years). Wordsworth: "Resolution and Independence"; "Michael"; "The Brothers."

Tennyson: "The Princess"; "Becket"; "Harold."

Herrick: Selections.

Vaughan: Selections.

Crashaw: Selections.

Herbert: Selections.

Shakespeare: "As You Like It"; "The Tempest:' "The Midsummer Night's Dream"; "Richard II."

page 20

Burns: The non-amatory songs and "Tarn o' Shanter."

Byron: "Prisoner of Chillon."

Milton: "Lycidas," "L'Allegro," and "II Penseroso."

Dryden: "Ode on St. Cecilia's Day."

Matthew Arnold: "Balder Dead"; "Sohrab and Rustum."