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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 75

Manapouri Station

Manapouri Station.

Here, as elsewhere, we had the most [unclear: hos] of receptions from Mr M'Millan, tte [unclear: man] who strongly urged us not to think of [unclear: atte] ing the journey to Mauapouri Lake, his [unclear: est] of the distance being 22 miles. [unclear: A] through the well-kept garden after [unclear: after] tea gave us infinite pleasure. [unclear: Pro] nowhere in the colony does the [unclear: h] suckle grow with such Luxuriance as [unclear: it] Mauapouri and Te Antu, as we had [unclear: fr] occasion to remark, and in the [unclear: Man] homestead garden we certainly saws a [unclear: very] example of its luxuriant growth and [unclear: wea] bloom, It covers an arched gateway [unclear: and] perfect mass of flowers, forming [unclear: the] striking feature of the garden. Mr [unclear: M'] has had a great deal of difficulty to [unclear: check] blight on this horticultural feature, of [unclear: whe] is naturally proud, but by frequent [unclear: sy] he has combated the enemy and is well [unclear: r] for his trouble. Afternoon tea at [unclear: Mau] station is as enjoyable as was lunch [unclear: at] cliff, and this is enhanced by the [unclear: keen] ment of our host in some pleasant [unclear: srg] with the writer, in which the [unclear: Scotch] pawkiness of the former show him [unclear: to] tage, and give manifest pleasure to [unclear: the] pany

page 5
A mile distant from the homestead is [unclear: rrell's] Hotel (not to be confused with [unclear: trell's] at Manapouri Lake to which re-[unclear: nce] wilt hereafter be made), and here we [unclear: d] comfortable accommodation for the night [unclear: is] out-of-the-way place, and doubtless not [unclear: en] by sight-seers and tourists. All [unclear: the] more therefore do we appreciste the cbeer-[unclear: l] at night, by the side of which we write [unclear: letters] for Dunedin, and the early breakfast [unclear: g] plentifully and attentively supplied with [unclear: before] starting on the final stage of our journey [unclear: Manapouri]. Preceded by Mr Murrell who [unclear: be] the contract for carrying the mails from this [unclear: n] to a spot where be meets the Te Anau [unclear: h,] we are piloted through some swampy [unclear: d] and over the crossing place at the [unclear: rca] River, where he leaves us. We pursue [unclear: road], with the noble mountains surronnding [unclear: the] late ever in front of us, and after [unclear: drive] of a few miles Manapouri in all its [unclear: deur] discloses itself. A stiff breeze is blow. [unclear: g] across its dark waters, and it is not seen in [unclear: the]pleasantest of aspects as it first presents [unclear: f] to our gaze. Indeed, the couplet in [unclear: Lord] Ullin's Daughter" irresistibly comes [unclear: st] in the mind :—

And who be ye would cross Loch Gyle,

This dark and stormy water.

[unclear: Not] that we are going to cross Manapouri, for [unclear: e] decide to leave our trip on its waters until [unclear: the] sorrow. Skirting its banks for a short [unclear: ce,] we soon reach our destination, [unclear: ll,s] accommodation house, prominently [unclear: ed] in an elevated position commanding a [unclear: id] view of the noble mountains in front [unclear: to] the left. The house is not large, and [unclear: have] some little difficulty in getting accom-[unclear: ted] other vistors are in the house. But [unclear: difficulties] are finally smoothed over, and we [unclear: l] the magnificent scenery around us, and [unclear: de] to spend the afternoon in a row down [unclear: beautiful] Waiau River preparatory to the [unclear: ter] and more lasting joys of the morrow's [unclear: mer] trip up the north arm of the splendid [unclear: e] whose imposing beauty and grandeur we [unclear: e] scarcely yet realised.

It may here be useful to set down a table of [unclear: cces,] covering the route we have just [unclear: ed] and the mileage from Manapouri [unclear: e to] Te Anau Lake, Other distances conn-[unclear: ted] Te Anua and Milford Sound will [unclear: given] in another article.

Table of Distances.
[unclear: tau] Merrivale 10
[unclear: ivale] to Waiau Caves 12
[unclear: Caves] to Waiau River at Clifden station 2
[unclear: den] to Blackmount station 22
[unclear: ackmount] to Redcliff station 9
[unclear: cliff] to Cheviot station 11
[unclear: viot] to Manapouri station 1
[unclear: pouri] station to Manapouri Lake 20
[unclear: apouri] Lake to Te Anau Lake 12

These distances may be accepted as approximately correct, although it is nceedingly difficult for people even in the same district to agree to a mile or so.