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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 75



During the year ended 31st March, 1897, there were shipped at Lyttelton and Timaru 29,686,765 lb. wool, valued at £1,022,888; and to this must be added the amount (about 1,000,000 lb.), bought for manufacture by the woollen-mills in the district. The staple of the New Zealand wool, especially the long-wool and crown bred, is remarkable for its freedom from breaks and other imperfections. The average clips are approximately as follows: Merino, 4 lb. to 7 lb.; quarter-breds. 6½ lb; half-breds, 7½ lb.; three-quarters, 8½ lb.; Leicesters, 10½ lb.; Lincoln, 11 lb. From special flocks clips up to 25 lb. and 30 lb. are obtained.