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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 69

Woollen Manufactures

Woollen Manufactures.

In the woollen manufactures the increase of production and the consequent consumption of native wool is both remarkable and gratifying. In 1887 the quantity purchased by the local woollen mills was 2,001,155lbs, a larger amount sold than in any previous year, whereas in 1888 4,079,663lbs was consumed—nearly double the quantity of the previous year. The Registrar adds, in connection with these figures, the following remark:—"It may be observed that the Customs duties on imported woollen piece-goods was increased on the 30th May, 1888, from 15 to 20 per cent, ad valorem, and it is presumable that this increase in the tariff has stimulated the local production of these goods, but it should be added that the mills export their manufactures to New South Wales, where the Customs duties are light compared with those in this colony."