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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 66



The colony was formerly divided into nine Provinces, each of which had an elective Superintendent, and a Provincial Council, also elective. In each case the election was for four years, but a dissolution of the Provincial Council by the Governor could take place at any time, necessitating a fresh election both of the Council and of the Superintendent. The Superintendent was chosen by the electors of the whole province; the members of the Provincial Council by those of electoral districts.

As has been already mentioned; this form of Government was abolished in 1876, and the country was then divided into Counties and Road Board Districts; and to the County Councils and Municipalities the local administration formerly executed by the Provincial Governments is confided. The seat of Government was at Auckland up to the year 1865, when it was transferred to Wellington on account of the more central position of the latter place.