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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 38

Article IV

Article IV.

Section 1.The Society shall consist of first, active members, who, being either life or annual members, shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Society; and second, honorary members, who shall have the same privileges as the active members, but no vote in the transaction of the business of the Society.
Sec. 2.Any person can become an annual member of this Society by paying into the Treasury the sum of five dollars.
Sec. 3.Any person can become a life member of the Society by paying into the Treasury the sum of fifty dollars.
Sec. 4Whenever any sum of money is mentioned in these By-Laws, it is understood that United States currency, gold or silver coin shall be meant.
Sec. 5.Persons eminent as horticulturists, whether residents of California or not, can be constituted' honorary members of the Society by a unanimous vote of the members present at any regular meeting. Honorary members are entitled to all the privileges of active members, except voting, but have to pay no fees.
Sec. 6.Old members of the Society desiring to renew membership during the year 1879, will be entitled to a credit on renewal of membership, for any amount they may have paid the Society for dues of that year.