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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 37

Index Tracts

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Index Tracts

No. 1.—Truths for the Times, or Representative Papers prom The Index, contains the "Fifty Affirmations" and "Modern Principles" It gives a bird's-eye view of Free Religion as conceived by the Editor of The Index, and states "irrepressible conflict" between it and Christianity. Mr. Charles Darwin, author of "The Origin of Species," says, in a letter to the Editor not originally Intended for publication, but subsequently authorized to be used:—"I have now read 'Truths for the Times,' and I admire them from my inmost heart; and I agree to almost every word." Price—One hundred copies for One Dollar, or a less number at the same rate, namely, One Cent a copy

No. 2.—Fear of the Living God, an eloquent and beautiful discourse by O. B. Frothingham, exposes the debasing character of the popular nations of God, and presents conceptions of him that are worthy of the nineteenth century. Price—Single copies Five Cents; Twelve copies Fifty Cents.

No. 3.—Lecture on the Bible, by the Rev. Charles Voysey, of England, who has recently been deprived of his benefice by the ecclesiastical courts on account of his bold and outspoken heresies, is an overwhelming demonstration of the imperfections and errors of the Bible, both in the Old and the New Testaments. Passages sustaining the argument are copiously quoted, with references to chapter and verse in every instance; and no abler, fairer, or more high-toned treatise on the subject can be found in the English language. Price—Single copies Ten Cents; Sir copies Fifty Cents; Twelve copies One Dollar.

No. 4.—Chritian Propagandism, by F. E. Abbot, is a complete exposure of the weakness, costliness, and inefficiency of the System of Foreign Missions. Full of Figures, Facts, and Interesting Extracts. Also, a very remarkable article by a Siamese Buddhist is appended, giving an account of a spicy conversation between himself and a missionary. Price—Single copies Ten Cents; Six copies Fifty Cents; Twelve copies One Dollar.

No. 5.—" God In the Constitution Would It be right to incorporate Religious Dogmas into the United States Constitution? By Rev. Arthur B. Bradford. A very clear, pointed, and able argument against the Proposed Theological Amendment to the United States Constitution, which ought to be circulated throughout the country. Price—Single Copies Ten Cents; Six Copies Fifty Cents; Twelve Copies One Dollar.

No. 6.—"The Sabbath," by Parker Pillsbury, is a scathing denunciation of Sabbatarian superstition. New Edition. Price—Single copies Ten Cents; Twelve copies One dollar.

No. 7.—"Compulsory Education," by F. E. Abbot, maintains the right of every child to be educated, and the duty of the State to ensure it an education. Price—Single copies Five Cents; Twelve copies Fifty Cents.

No. 8.—Tbt© Present Heaven, by O. B. Frothing-Ham, is a singularly felicitous treatment of a subject that interests everybody. Price—Single copies Five Cents;. Twelve copies Fifty Cents.


The Index,

90 St. Clair Street, Toledo, Ohio.