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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 20

Plain Directions for effecting Insurances and other Contracts under the before-mentioned Acts and Regulations

Plain Directions for effecting Insurances and other Contracts under the before-mentioned Acts and Regulations.

1. Certain Post Offices, the names of which may be obtained

Post Offices hare been opened for receipt of proposals.

at any Post Office, have been opened for the receipt of proposals for the Insurance of Lives and the purchase of Annuities; and forms of proposal, with full instructions for filling up and delivering the forms, may be obtained at these Post Offices.
2. Tables of the various premiums to be charged may be seen

Tables may be seen and procured.

and procured at the Post Offices which have been opened for the receipt of proposals, or they will be sent post free on written application. The following pages contain the principal tables, exclusive of the Deferred Annuities.
3. Any person desirous of effecting an Insurance or Endow-

Application to be made to nearest office.

ment, or of purchasing an Immediate or Deferred Annuity, may apply to the nearest office for information.
4. The officer in charge of the office will furnish the appli-

Officer will furnish forms.

cant with a form or forms applicable to the particular transaction contemplated,
5. The applicant is advised, in each case, to produce as soon

Proof of age should be produced as soon as possible.

as possible to the officer such evidence of his age or of the age of the person upon whose life the contract is to depend, as may be in his possession; and in case the same is insufficient for the purpose of the proposed transaction, the officer will inform him in what respect it is defective.

The regulations specially bearing upon this matter are numbered 46 and 48.

As the contract is declared to be void in case of any misstatement on this point, it is essential that persons proposing transactions should be especially careful in regard to it.?

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Best proof of age.

6. Since the Registration Acts under which Births, Deaths, and Marriages are registered have been in operation, the best evidence on the subject will be an examined, certified, or office copy of, or extract from, the Register.

This should be accompanied by a statutory declaration by some third person able to speak to the fact of the identity of the person named in the copy or extract with the person on whose behalf the proposed contract is to be entered into.

Such a declaration may be made before any Justice of the Peace or Solicitor of the Supreme Court.

Commissioner may accept other proof.

7. In cases where the proposer is not in possession of any official proof of age, the Commissioner is at liberty to accept other sufficient proof, such as an entry in a family Bible, and so forth, provided the same be accompanied by reasonable evidence of the genuine character of such entry, and due proof of identity be given.

Address of proposer.

8. It would be advisable in all cases that the proper postal address of the proposer should be given to the office to whom the proposal is delivered.

Notice of claim must be given.

9. When any person is entitled, unde the terms of any contract, to the payment of moneys by the Commissioner, he should at once give notice in writing of the claim, and produce the contract upon which it is based, to the nearest officer authorized to receive proposals. The officer will indorse on the notice of claim such particulars as will direct the attention of the Commissioner to the particular transaction, and then at once forward the notice to the Commissioner.

Officer will inform proposer when any evidence is required.

10. Should any proof of age or of identity be required, the officer will inform the proposer thereof, and he is recommended to obtain the same without delay, in such form as will satisfy the requirements of the Regulations.

Notice of change of residence should be given.

11. It is essential that in all cases of proposed change of residence where the person whose life is insured intends going outside of the permitted districts, that notice in writing thereof should at once be given to the nearest officer, stating the intended place of residence and the mode of travel to reach it.

This notice will forthwith be forwarded to the Commissioner, who will then determine whether and upon what terms the requisite permission will be given.

Notice of change of occupation.

12. In case of any proposed change of trade or occupation, notice must also in each case be given in the same way; and in the event of the new trade or occupation coming within the category of "hazardous trades or occupations," the Commissioner will determine whether he will continue the risk, and upon what terms.
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Notice of the determination of the Commissioner in each of

Notice of decision of Commissioner.

the foregoing cases will, without delay, be sent to the postal address of the party affected, as given by him.
All forms of proposal, and all notices and other documents,

Handwriting should be clear and distinct.

must be written in a clear and legible hand.