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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

Fifth Sitting-September 18, 1878

Fifth Sitting-September 18, 1878.

Officers present—M.W.G.M. Jas. M'Gaw, G.W. P.G.M. J. Braithwaite, G.S. Wm. Reid, G.T. James Alexander.

Representatives present—J. D. Teague, C. Lezard, R. Clifford, Jas. Iles, T. E. Price, John Boyd, Jas. Richardson.

Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Proposed by Bro. C. Lezard, seconded by P.G.M. Braithwaite—

"That a District Deputy Grand Master and District Committee be appointed for Christchureh, the Northern District to be bounded on the north by the Hurunui, and on the south by the Rangitata River."—Carried.

Proposed by Bro. Price, seconded by Bro. Boyd—" That this Grand Lodge provide suitable forms to all subordinate Lodges for credentials of Grand Lodge Representatives, one of which, properly signed, and sealed with the Lodge seal, shall be supplied to each of the Representatives elected for presentation at the Grand Lodge."

Amendment proposed by Bro. Alexander, seconded by Bro. Richardson—" That the Grand Secretary instruct Lodge Secretaries to furnish each Representative with credentials under the Lodge seal."

Amendment carried.

The following question was submitted by P.G.M. J. Braithwaite:—"Is the following resolution, passed by the Grand Lodge at its last session, law or not—viz., 'That the travelling faro (if any) incurred by the members of the Grand Lodge Executive in attending annual moveable sessions of the Grand Lodge, be paid by the Grand Lodge' "?

The Grand Master replied, "No."

Bro. Braithwaite appealed, and on the Grand Master putting the question, "Does the Grand Lodge support the ruling of the chair?" the reply was in the negative.

Proposed by Bro. Richardson, seconded by Bro. Boyd—"That the Grand Lodge Executive ask the Star of Canterbury Lodge to send in their account for rent."—Carried.

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Notice of amendment to Constitution:—

By Bro. Lezard—" That all District Deputy Grand Masters sit in and at all meetings of all Grand Lodge Sessions ex officio, and vote on all proceedings."

Installation of Officers, 1878-1879.

D.D.G.M. Bro. T.E. Price

Duly installed by M.W.G.M. Bro. Jas. M'Gaw.

G.W. Bro. C. Lezard Do. do. do.

The G.S. and G.T. being re-elected, had been previously installed.

Proposed by Bro. Clifford, seconded by Bro. Iles—" That a hearty vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes of the Grand Lodge to the Grand Master and Executive Officers of the past term."—Carried.



Bros. Boyd, Michie, and Braithwaite were declared duly elected.

Committee on Laws of Subordinates.

The Standing Committee, with the name of Bro. Braithwaite added, were declared duly elected.

Committee on Appeals and Petitions.

The Standing Committee, with the name of Bro. Teague added, were declared duly elected.

District Auditors.

Bros. Michie, Richardson, and Boyd were declared duly elected.

Resolved—" That Bro. Russell be Lecture-master for Dunedin District, on same terms as hitherto."

The minutes of meeting were then read and confirmed.

Resolved—" That the Grand Lodge adjourn sins die."

The Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form.

Memoranda by Grand Secretary.

It has not been the custom hitherto for the Grand Secretary to give any report further than the audited Balance-sheets and Financial and Statistical Tables, laid before the Grand Lodge at its Annual Session.

The exhaustive address of the Grand Master supplies nearly all the information regarding the Order which can be given, but the G.S. being more closely connected with Lodges and Lodge Secretaries it becomes almost a necessity that he should make some remarks more especially addressed to the latter.

As, hitherto, some Secretaries have shown great zeal, and an intelligent desire to increase the usefulness of their Lodge and promote the welfare of the Order; these lighten the work of the G.S. and render his duties comparatively pleasant and easy; others, again, by a want of energy and lack of interest in the work render the efforts of the Grand Lodge, to arrive at proper statistics of the Order, almost nugatory.

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It would be invidious, where many are excellent and all are zealous, to particularize any of the former, but a glance at the Statistical Tables will at once disclose the latter. It will be noticed that some Lodges whose dues are paid regularly. are behindhand with the financial and statistical information. Very little time devoted each six months to the lie turn-sheet so carefully compiled by the late Grand Secretary, Bro. Boyd, would supply all the information required by the Grand Lodge.

The following is a summary of the position of the Grand Lodge as at June, 1878, a comparison of which with that of last year will show a very considerable and satisfactory rate of progress:—

At credit of General Funeral Fund £1234 16 3 Management Fund 2 10 4 £1237 6 4 Stock on hand 60 0 0 Total worth £1297 6 7 Represented as follows— In Bank of Now Zealand £41 5 0 In Commercial Building Society, Share Account, making 14 per cent. 529 0 0 Ditto Debentures, making 8 per cent. 211 11 6 Cash on hand 1 8 0 £813 4 6 Owing by Lodges £269 17 10 Pioneer Encampment 109 4 3 Stock on hand 60 0 0 Interest accrued 45 0 0 484 2 1 £1297 6 7

Grand Lodge

Membership— Benefit 606 Honorary 46 ££652 Number of Lodge 19 Amount expended for Funerals £140 0 0 Ditto for Sickness (Returns from 11 Lodges only) 103 15 8 Aggregate value of Lodge Funds (Returns from 10 Lodges only), exclusive of goods, regalia, &c. 3012 8 2

Relating to Sub. Lodges.

From these figures it will be seen that £150 has been added to the Grand Lodge funds, despite an unprecedentedly heavy death rate. The membership shows an increase of 147, while two new Lodges have been added to the Order. While some Lodges show the Management Fund at debit to the Sick Fund, others evidently do not allocate these Funds. The Grand Lodge would impress upon Lodges which have overdrawn the Management Fund the suicidal policy of allowing this to happen. Under the new scale of contributions an ample margin is allowed for management, while Initiation Fees and Fines are thrown page 22 in, therefore reckless expenditure can only account for the state of matters, and the necessity of Lodges compelling their Secretaries to divide the funds, and by levy, entertainments, or some other means, to relieve the Management Fund from its indebtedness, is strongly insisted upon by the Grand Lodge Executive.

Lodges are also strongly recommended to examine carefully as to the character of candidates, and thus to guard against the introduction of men into the Order who are likely to become a burden on their Lodge from the effect of their own misconduct. This matter was strongly brought under the notice of the late Executive, in more than one instance, in connection with claims against the Funds of the Order. It may be pointed out that in pursuing this line of policy, and guarding against the introduction of improper characters, members would only be protecting their own interests and providing that the provision which they are making against sickness and death may not be squandered.

"Wm. Reid, Grand Secretary.