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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

Meeting of Standing Committee, 14th December, 1878

Meeting of Standing Committee, 14th December, 1878.

Present: G.M. McGaw, D.G.M. Wheeler, G.W. Reid, G.T. Alexander.

The G.M. reported that he had waited on Grand Secretory, Bro. Wilson, who had placed his resignation in his hands. Resignation was received, and G.W. Bro. Beid elected in his stead.

P.G.M. Bro. Braithwaite was elected Grand Warden.

Application from Geraldine Lodge for loan of £300, for the purpose of building a Hall, was considered.

Resolved—"That the G.S. be instructed to reply that the Grand Lodge, while sympathising with the object, is not in a position to comply with the request, the Grand Lodge funds being already invested."