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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 14

Extracts from Newspapers Published in Dunedin, and from Reports of Land Agents as to Sales of Land in Otago and Southland, and the Adjoining Province of Canterbury, During the Year 1878. — Otago and Southland

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Extracts from Newspapers Published in Dunedin, and from Reports of Land Agents as to Sales of Land in Otago and Southland, and the Adjoining Province of Canterbury, During the Year 1878.

Otago and Southland.

Spring Garden Farm, Taieri,

Consisting of 105 acres good agricultural land on the Taieri Plains, with usual farm buildings and improvements, was to have been sold by auction, but was disposed of privately on the day of sale for £2,000, or nearly £20 per acre. This farm again changed hands within one month of sale at a rise of £5 per acre; i.e., at £25 per acre, and it is reported that £30 per acre has since been refused by present owners, who consider that money can be made out of it by farming even at £35 per acre.

Meadow Bank.

157 acres of entirely unimproved land, not even having been ploughed, situated on the Taieri, and consisting of swamp land, was knocked down at auction, after a very spirited bidding, for £20 per acre.

Titipua Valley Estate.

This property, consisting of 5,000 acres, 117 mile from Dunedin, and some six or seven miles from a railway, was lately cut up into farms of from 100 to 400 acres, and although this land was rejected some years ago by the A. & N. Z. Land Company as worthless, and being unfenced page 29 and without improvements of any description, yet sold at auction to bona fide settlers and farmers up to £5 per acre. So great is the demand for land in this district that the property known as Benmore, 800 acres, an unimproved estate adjoining the above, was sold at the same time for £4 per acre, although not even fenced, and some of the country being so steep and broken that it is impossible to plough it.

Creighton Park, Waipahie District.

Consists of 2,300 acres fenced, but unimproved land, some 10 miles from Gore, and 60 miles from Dunedin, sold privately at £5. 10s. per acre to a gentleman, who purposes dividing and reselling in small farms.

Linton Hill Farm, Near Blueskin.

150 acres fair agricultural land within five miles of Blueskin Railway Station, and the main north road. Property improved by ploughing, general cultivation, fences and usual farm buildings, was sold at auction on the 20th October, 1877, for £20 per acre.

Lansdowne Estate, Molyneux.

This property consists of 2,000 acres unimproved land, situate on the banks of the river Clutha, ten miles from a railway, and 60 miles from Dunedin, was sold at auction for £11 per acre.

Cringletie Farm, Milton.

Consisting of 210 acres, some six miles from Tokomairiro Railway Station, and 40 miles from Dunedin brought at auction £15 per acre, the property was fenced and carried the usual improvements in fences and farm buildings.

Popplewell Farm, Tokomairiro.

Of 150 acres fair agricultural land, fenced and under cultivation, situated five miles from Milton Railway Station, and 40 miles from Dunedin, sold for £14 per acre.

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Comer Bush Estate, Waikonaite.

500 acres unimproved land, portions being partly drained swamp, sold at auction from £7 to £11 per acre, averaging £8. 18s. per acre, 24 miles from Dunedin and one mile from main road. The country generally hilly and broken, while the flats consist of undrained swamps.

Bank Head Farm, East Taieri.

100 acres of first class agricultural land well improved, by draining, ploughing, fencing and buildings, mostly with flats, sold for £28 per acre.

Warepa Estate, Waimera District.

66 miles from Dunedin, and fifteen miles from Clutha Railway Station, consisting of 2,000 acres broken cold country, without improvements of any description, sold at auction from £4. 10s. to £8. 10s. per acre, and averaging £5. 16s.

Horsehoe Bush Estate.

On the sea coast about 35 miles from Dunedin, consisting of 2,000 acres ridgy country, of which about 400 acres have been ploughed and improved, was sold privately for agricultural and cattle breeding purposes for £20,000.

As an example of the rapid rise in value of properties of the above description, Terrace Ranges was sold at 50s. per acre, and re-sold within a month for 60s.; Coombe Hay brought £20,000, and was re-sold within two or three months for £23,750. Waihola, a property of 3,500 acres, high land, sold at £3 per acre, and present owner has since refused £3. 10s.

Maclean Brothers report 15th January, 1878:—

"This afternoon we submitted to auction the Brooklands Estate, Pleasant Valley. There was a large attendance of page 31 buyers; the competition was brisk throughout, and with the exception of one lot of 49 acres 2 roods and 30 poles, all the sections offered were sold at prices ranging from £18 to £44 per acre, making a total of £11,876. 13s. 10d., or an average of £24 per acre."

Government Land Sale At Lawrence.


At the Crown Lands sale to-day, in the Court-house, the building was crowded in every part. The sale commenced at 1.30 p.m. with the deferred-payment land. The conditions of sale, which was read by Mr. R. B. Martin, the Government auctioneer, were evidently prepared and drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the Land Act, 1877. The sale commenced in the order advertised.

Section 11, block I., Glenkenich district, containing 200 acres for which there were seven applicants, was bought by Mr. James Scott, Tapanui, at £5 per acre, the upset price being £3 per acre.

Section 19, block IX., same district, fell to James Barr Gore, at £5, the upset being the same.

For section 14, block VI., Chatton District, there were five applicants. James Smail was the purchaser at £5. 17s. 6d.

Section 3, block XII., Crookston, 200 acres, for which there were twelve applicants, seemed to be the attraction of the deferred-payment sections, having been keenly competed for, and was purchased by Mr. William Hayes, Lawrence, as agent for Robert Dunback, shepherd, at £9. 7s. 6d., per acre per annum. This section was sold subject to a road line being reserved through.

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Land Sale At Palmerston.


The Crown land sale held here yesterday by Mr. R. B. Martin, Government Auctioneer, at the court-house, was attended by every class of buyers, all anxious to secure land, either town or rural. The court-house was crowded. The sale commenced punctually at 2 o'clock, beginning with the deferred payment land, section 4, block VII., Maheno district. There were 18 applicants, 200 acres, the upset price being £3 per acre, fell to F. W. Reichelt at £17 per acre; section 5, same block, 200 acres, to Thomas Dent at £10. 2s. 6d., for which there were 17 applicants; section 6, 11 applicants, fell to George Dent at £8. 2s. 6d.; section 7, four applicants, was bought by Hugh Fraser at £6. 2s. 6d., area 200 acres; section 12, same block, 200 acres, David Walsh at £9.12s. 6d.; section 13, four applicants, bought by Wm. Heffernan; section 11, supposed to be specially good, 14 applicants, fell to Frank D. Bell at £15. 12s. 6d. For this section Miss Mary Hoad competed spiritedly. Section 1J, block VIII., Waihemo, came next. There were only two applicants, and it fell to Wm. Sanderson, at £4. 5s. Section 13, same block, nine applications, David Muir, £9.2s. 6d.; section 14, seven applicants, Thomas Brown, £6. 2s. 6d.; section 15 was unopposed, and bought by Wm. H. Bayly. Land in Highlay district followed next. Section 11, block III, eight applicants, was bought by Robert Matheson at £9. The rural land in Waihemo and Highlay districts followed the de-ferred-payment land. Section 1, block VIII., Waihemo, land of special value at 40s. was passed in, there being no offer. Section 2, block VIII., Waihemo, Sir Francis Dillon Bell, at upset price, 20s. per acre; section 3, same block, passed; section 4, 305 acres, bought by Wm. Hepburn at 34s., upset 20s. per acre; section 5, Sir F. D. Bell, upset 20s.; section 6, same buyer, at upset 20s.; section 7, same buyer, at upset 20s.; section 8, same page 33 buyer, at 35s., upset 20s.; section 9, Wm. Hepburn, at 23s. per acre. Land in the Highlay district came next. Section 2, block III., 273 acres, was sold at the upset 20s. to John Muir; section 4, 291 acres, to Peter M'Leod at £4.3s., upset 23s. There was keen competition for this. Section 9, John Muir, at upset 20s.; section 12, 207 acres, Connell and Moodie as agents, at £1. 15s., upset 20s.; section 13, 270 acres, Sir F. D. Bell, £2. 1s., upset 20s. The township sections followed next in order as advertised. Naseby township had been withdrawn, and for the Blair Taieri, Hamilton, and Herbert townships there were no offers. In Macraes three sections sold at £7. 10s. each. In Hyde township, after brisk competition, section 8, block III., was bought by P. A. Connelly, at £18. 15s., upset £7. 10s.; sections 38 and 39, same buyer, at £7. 10s. each. In Hampden, sections 19, 20, 21, 22, block III., were bought by A. T. Gillies, at £7. 10s. each section. In this case Volunteer scrip was exercised to the extent of £30. In Waikouaiti, section 7, block X., was bought by Thos. Pratt, at £7. 10s. For sections 8, 9, 10, 11, scrip was exercised by Peter Duncan to the extent of £30. It would seem as though Volunteers began to understand how to use their scrip. At this stage of the sale, considerable interest was shown as to the sale of the Moerski Coal-mining lease. The conditions of sale, which were exceedingly lengthy, having been read, the first premium bid was £5., and the bids gradually worked up, until the lease fell to Mr. George Elliott for the sum of £570, also subject to a yearly rental of £30 per annum, with a royalty of 6d. per ton for all coal raised. I observed five or six keen competitors for this lease. I understand that the total sale of land, including deferred payment, will amount to nearly £35,000. Since the sale, I find the general desire is to open up more land in this district. Judging from the number of disappointed applicants, no doubt a large block would be readily absorbed.

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Government Land Sale.

At the Government land sale, held yesterday, 31st October, 1878, in Dunedin, the following sales were made:—

Oamaru District.

Section 2 of 80, block XI, containing 28a. 2r. 24p., upset price £1 per acre, was sold to Peter Miller, Oamaru, at £12. 10s. per acre.

Waikouaiti District.

Upset price in every case, £3 per acre.

Block III., section 66, 15a. 3r. 30p., S. H. Trevenna, Dunedin, at upset price; section 67, 11a. 3r. 17p., W. Goldie, Port Chalmers (on Volunteer scrip), £6 per acre; section 92, 13a. 1r. 17p., G. W. Eliott, £10 per acre; section 93, 8a. 2r. 24p., A. Morton, Green Island, £9 per acre; section 94, 11a. 3r. 25p., D. Proudfoot, £8. 5s. per acre; section 95, 9a. 2r. 14p., D. Proudfoot, £8. 5s. per acre; section 45, 11a. 3r. 11p., A. W. Maurais, Port Chalmers, £6. 5s. per acre; section 48, 13a. 3r. 16p., L. M'Donald, Waikouaiti, £6 per acre; section 49a, 11a. 3r. 15p., John Reid, Dunedin, £8. 15s. per acre; section 50, 11a. Or. 12p., G. W. Eliott, £8 per acre; section 51, 9a. 2r. 35p., John Reid, £6. 5s. per acre; section 52, 13a. 1r. 31p., W. Downie Stewart, £4.5s. per acre; section 53,11a. Or. 39p., M. Hughes, North East Valley, £5. 5s. per acre; section 54, 10a. 38p., T. Morris, Oamaru (on Volunteer scrip), £6.10s. per acre; section 55, 10a. 2r. 10p., Thomas Morris, £4. 15s. per acre; section 56, 12a. Or. 7p., S. Moore £5. 5s. per acre; section 57, 9a. 2r. 27p., Peter Kane Merton, £6. 10s. per acre; section 58, 11a. 2r. 20p., W. White, Seacliff, £9 per acre; section 59, 11a. 2r. 7p., W. White, £7 per acre; section 60, 13a. 1r. Op., W. White, £5. 5s per acre.

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Dunedin And East Taieri District.

Upset price, £2 per acre.

Block VIII., section 61, 9a. 3r. 35p., R. Ewin, Dunedin, £7. 10s. per acre; section 62, 4a, 3r. 10p., R. Ewing, £7 per acre; section 63, 2a. 1r. 13p., Edward L. and Jessie Peterson, £13 per acre; section 64, 8a. 3r. 32p., Edward L. and Jessie Peterson, £16. 10s. per acre; section 65, 2a. 3r. 15p., E. L. and J. Peterson, £25 per acre. (There was keen competition in the three foregoing cases.) 66, 4a. 2r. 3p., Josiah Griffin (on immigrant's scrip), £4. 5s. per acre; 67, 2a. 3r. 32p., R. Ewing, upset; 68, 4a. 2r. 15p., J. Jones, Dunedin, £4. 5s. per acre; 69, 7a. 1r., J. Jones, £4. 10s. per acre; 70, 6a. 3r. 18p., William Orr, Saddle Hill, £4. 5s. per acre; 71, 6a. 2r. 34p., James Burt, Green Island, £5 per acre; 73, 5a. Or. 16p., R. Ewing, £5. 15s per acre.

Education Reserves.

The old School site near Outram, West Taieri, containing 8a. 3r. 5p., was, after a warm competition, purchased by D. M. Spedding, Dunedin, at £60 per acre.

Leases for 14 years, the upset being 2s. 6d. per acre per year, were disposed of as follows:—

Otakia.—Section 1 of 26, block I., 40 acres, J. V. Davey, upset; 2 of 28, block V., 15 acres, Mee Bros., upset.

North Harbour and Blueskin.—Part of 2 of 23, block IV., 29 acres, C. Robertson, 7s. per acre per annum; 2 of 7, block 6, 16 acres, Adam White, upset; 82, block VI., 10½ acres, J. Archibald, upset; 2 of 93, block VI., 19 acres, D. Proudfoot, upset; 2 of 89, block VI., 10 acres, R. Bauchop, upset.

From "Otago Times," November 7th, 1878.

Mr. R. B. Martin, Government auctioneer, had a busy hour or two yesterday at the Crown Lands Office, where a land sale which attracted considerable attention was held. page 36 Between 150 and 200 people were present, and the proceedings were very brisk. Competition in many cases was very keen, and the bidding was lively. For a piece of land near Outram, eight acres in extent, sold by the Education Board, no less than £60 an acre was obtained. The total proceeds of the Crown Lands Sale were about £2600. The particulars appear elsewhere.

Government Land Sale At Gore.


There was an attendance of about 300 present at the Government land sale here to-day. A good number of speculators from Dunedin were present, and some from Invercargill. The sale was held in Green's Assembly Rooms by Mr. R. B. Martin, Government auctioneer. The land was put up in the advertised order. Town and suburban land in East Gore sold well, and some sections in Waipahi brought good prices. Only one section sold in Kuriwao. Town sections in Wyndham excited considerable competition. The only three deferred payment sections brought high prices, after good competition. The following is the result of the sale:—

Chatton District.

Deferred payment.—Upset price, £3 per acre.

Section 16, block XI., 200 a, 2 r. 24p. Five applicants were present, but the bidding was confined to two. The land fell to John Watt, at £6 an acre.

Section 18, block X., 299a. 22r. 38p. Four applicants present. A. Mellick bought at £5. 8s. 9d. per acre.

Section 1, block XII., eight applicants appeared, and there was strong competition. This fell to Mary Ann Styles, amidst applause, at £11. 12s. 6d. per acre. This was all the deferred payment land.

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Town of East Gore.

Town sections, quarter acre.—Upset, £7. 10s.

In Block V., sections 6 and 7 fell to George Wilson, at the upset.

Block VI.—Sections 2 and 3 passed; section 8, George Wilson, £17. 15s., quarter acre; section 9, Thomas Henderson, £9. 5s., quarter acre.

Block VII.—Section 1, George Wilson, £26. 10s.


Block II.—Upset price £20 per acre; section 1 passed; section 2, 1r. 35p., John Lewis, at the upset.

Block VII.—Upset £10 per acre; section 14,3a. 2r. 22p., J. Marshall, £17 per acre.

Block XX.—Upset £10 per acre; section 1, 6a. 3r. 22p., William McLeod, upset; section 2, 5 acres, William McLeod, upset; section 3, 5 acres, William McLeod, £16. 15s. per acre.

Block XX.—Upset, £15 per acre; section 4, 3a. 3r. 36p., Peter Traill, £16. 5s. per acre; section 5, 5 acres, Alexander M'Nab, upset; section 6, 5 acres, Alexander M'Nab, upset.

Block XII.—Upset price, £15 per acre; section 6, 3a. 3r. 19p., John Strauchan, £56. 15s. per acre; section 7, 3a. 3r, 18p., Alex. Brown, £16. 10s. per acre.

Block XXII.—Upset price, £20 per acre; section 3, 2a. 2r. 7p., Michael Dillon, at the upset; section 4, 3a. 0r. 4p., Robert Robson, £24. 10s. per acre; section 5, 3a. 0r. 4p., Robert Robson, upset; section 6, 3a. 0r. 4p., Thomas Moodie, upset; section 11, la. lr. 17p., J. Marshall, upset.

Block XXIII.—Upset price, £15 per acre; section 13, 5 acres, J. Strauchan, upset; section 14, 5 acres, Lawrence page 38 Cody, £26 per acre; sections 15 and 16, 5 acres each, John Strauchan, upset.

Block XXIV.—Upset price, £10 per acre; section 3, 8a. 3r. 6p., John Lamond, upset; section 12, 5a. 0r. 15p., A. Brown, upset; section 15, 3a. 3r. 7p., Daniel Ryan, £18 per acre.

Black XXV.—Upset price, £15 per acre; section 1, 5a. 2r. 11p., Alex. Moir, upset; section 2, 5a. 2r. 11p., Alex. Brown, upset; section 27, 4a. 1r. 20p., Alex. Mair, £21 per acre.

Block XXVI.—Upset £10 per acre; section 1, 4a. 2r. 32p., John Cameron, upset; section 3, 4a. 2r., Thomas Moodie, £11. 10s. per acre.

Town of Kuriwao.

Town sections.—Upset, £7. 10s. quarter acre.

Block I.—Section 1, R. Bree, upset.

Town of Waipahi, Quarter Acres,

Town sections., quarter acres.—Upset, £7. 10s. Block I., sections 1 and 2, Christina Cameron, upset.

Block II.—Section 11, James Kirker, upset; section 14, Mary Ann Holmes, £8.

Block III.—Section 12, M. R. Bree, upset.

Block VIII.—Sections 10 and 12, Frederick Lichner, upset.

Block IX.—Section 6, William Matthews, £9. 5s.; section 8, William Goldie, £5 10s.; section 21, William Goldie, £46; section 14, William Mathews, £13. 10s.; section 15, George Wilson, £13. 10s.; section 16, George Wilson, £17.

Block XII.—Section 18, Thomas Green, £9. 10s.; section 21, Donald Kelly, £8; section 22, M. R. Bree, £9.

Block XIII.—Section 10, James Green, £10; section 11, Thomson and Beattie, upset; section 12, Donald Kelly, upset.

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Town of Wyndham, Quarter Acres,

Town sections, quarter acres.—Block II., section 20, upset, £8, Donald Kelly, £9. 10s.

Block III.—Upset, £8; section. 19, Donald Kelly £10. 10s.; section 20, Donald Kelly, £8.

Block VII.—Upset, £8; section 1, M R. Bree, £10. 10s.; section 2, Rev. J. Henry, £8; section 35, Rev. James Henry, £8; section 36, Rev. J. Henry, £11.

Block VIII.—Upset, £8; section 1, Donald Kelly, £29; section 2, Robert M'Kay, £19; section 3, Robert M'Kay, £16. 16s.; section 4, Mathew Monaghan, £14. 10s.; section 5, O. Elliott, £14; section 6, Thomas Moodie, £14. 10s.; section 7, Thomas Moodie, £16. 10s.; section 8, Thomas Moodie, £16. 10s.; section 9, Thomas Green, £15. 10s.; section 10, Thomas Golder, £15; section 11, Duncan Davidson, £13. 10s.; section 12, John Russell, £11; section 13, John Gall, £13; section 14, John Gall, £12.10s.; section 15, R. A. Elliott, £12. 10s.; section 16, R. A. Elliott, £12. 10s.; section 17 John Russell, £9.

Block VIII.—Upset, £7. 10s. Section 18, Thomas Golder, upset; section 19, Thomas Golder, upset; section 20, passed; section 21, John Gall, upset; section 22, John Gall, £8. 10s.; section 23, Donald Cameron, upset; section 24 passed; section 25, Thomas Golder, upset; section 26, Thomas Green, upset; section 30, R. A. Elliot, upset; section 31, Matthew Monaghan, upset; section 32, Robert M'Kay, upset; section 33, Robert M'Kay, upset; section 34, Thomas Green, £12.

Block XI.—Upset, £7. 10s.; section 12, Thomas Green, £13. 10s.; section 13, Donald Kelley, £14. 10s.; section 14, Mr. Winter, £10. 10s.; section 15, John Templeton, £11; sections 16 and 17, passed; section 18, Winter, £11; page 40 section 19, John Templeton, £20; section 20, James Milne, £13. 10s.; section 24, Alfred Parker, £9; section 22, M. Monaghan, £8. 10s.

Block XIII.—Upset, £10. Section 10, R. A. Elliott, £10. 10s.; section 18, Hugh Carswell, upset.

Block XIV.—Upset, £10. Section 11, Thompson and Beattie, £11. 12s.; section 12, R. A. Elliott, £10; section 24, R. A. Elliott, upset; section 25, Thompson and Beattie, upset; section 26, John Templeton, upset.

Suburban.—Block VI.—Upset, £5 per acre. Section 4, 4a. 2r. 38p., John Gall,£15. 10s. per acre; section 5, 4a. 2r. 38p., John Gall, £14. 10s. per acre; section 6, 4a. 2r. 38p., John Gall, £12 per acre; section 8, 4a. 2r. 38p., Thomas Golden, upset; section 9, 5a. 3r. 20p., Thomas Golden, upset; section 10,3a. 2r. 29p., Thomas Golden, upset; section 11, 2a. 1r. 15p., Thomas Golden, £7 per acre; section 13, 5a., W. S. Trotter, £12 per acre; section 14, 5a., W. S. Trotter, £13 per acre; section 15, 5a. 3r. 8p., W. S. Trotter, £18. 10s. per acre; section 36, 4a. lr. 21p., R. A. Elliott, £6. 10s. per acre; section 37, 3a., James Walker, £6. 10s. per acre; section 38, 3a. 2r. 17p., James Walker, £10 per acre; section 39, 3a. 2r. 26p., James Walker, £6 per acre; section 40, 4a. 0r. 20p., James Walker, £10. 10s. per acre; section 45, 5a. 0r. 39p., James Milne, £8. 10s. per acre; section 46, 4a. Or. 2p., James Milne, £12 per acre; section 47, 3a. 1r., James Milne, £8.10s. per acre; section 48,4a. Or. 3p., James Milne, £7.10s. per acre; section 49,4a. 2r. 20p., James Milne, £7 per acre; section 50, 3a. 3r. 10p., James Milne, £8. 10s. per acre; section 57, 3a. 2r. 12p., William Goldie, £29 per acre; section 58, 4a. 0r. 2p., W. S. Trotter, £18 per acre; section 69, 5a., W. S. Trotter, £18 per acre.

Quarter acre, section 20—block VIII.—town of Wyndham, was sold to Mr. R. Bree, at £10; sections 16 and 17, block XI., to Hugh Carswell, at the upset.

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Town of Waikawa, Quarter Acres,

Block I.—Quarter acre, upset £7. 10s. Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8, fell to the Rev. J. Henry, at the upset; section 9, Rev. James Henry, £10. 10s.; section 13, Rev. J. Henry, upset; section 14, Rev. J. Henry, £8. 10s.; sections 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, all to the Rev. J. Henry, at the upset; section 21, Hugh Carswell, £11. 10s.; section 22, Hugh Carswell, £10; section 23, Hugh Carswell, upset; sections 24, 25 and 26, John Russell, at upset; section 27 and 28, John Russell, £8. 10s. each; section 32, John Templeton, upset; section 34, John Templeton, £8. 10s.; section 35, John Russell, upset; section 36, John Templeton, £10. 10s.; section 37, R. A. Elliott, £10. 10s.; section 38, John Cameron, £9; section 39, Hugh Carswell, £10. 10s.; section 40, Hugh Carswell, upset; section 41, Hugh Carswell, £12. 10s.

Town of Kelso.

Block I.—Upset, £30 per acre. Section 3, 1r. 33p., John Howett, £49 per acre; section 3, 1r. 20p., George Wilson, £46 per acre; section 4, 2r. 29p., Thompson and Beattie, upset; section 5,1 rood, James Logan, £50; section 6,1 rood, James Logan, £38; section 7, 1 rood, James Logan, £38; sections 8, 9,10 and 11,¼-acre each, fell to John Macfarlane, at the upset; section 12, 1 rood, Thomas Mudie, £11. 10s.; section 13, 1 rood, Thomas Mudie, £8. 10s.; sections 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25, fell to Thomas Moodie, at the upset; section 26, Thomas Moodie, £10,10s.; section 27, Thomas Moodie, upset; section 28, Thomas Moodie, £16.

Section 6, block XII., James Logan, upset.

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Town of Waikaia, Quarter Acres,

Quarter-acre sections—upset £7. 10s.

Block XXI.—Section 16, James McLean, upset; section 17, James McLean, £14.

Block XXIV.—Sections 18, 19 and 20, Edwin Dence, upset.

Block XII.—Sections 7 and 20, D. Matheson, upset; section 21, D. Matheson, £8. 10s.

Block VIII.—Section 17, George Wilson, £12; section 18, George Wilson, £13; section 19, Donald Matheson, £14. 10s.; section 20, Donald Matheson, £13.

Block XIII.—Section 18, George Wilson, £25. 10s.; section 19, George Wilson, £20. 10s.

Block XVII.—Sections 8, 9, 10 and 11, went to Donald Matheson, at £8. 10s. each; section 13, Donald Matheson, upset.

Block XIX.—Section 15, John Russell, upset.

Waikaia District.

Rural land.

Block IV.—Section 17, la. 0r. 32p.; application for mill site—upset, £10 per acre. John Russell, upset.

Wyndham.—Upset, £2. Section 53, block IX., 128a. 3r. 34p., Gillies, Street, and Hislop, £6. 5s. per acre.

Glenkenich.—Section 19, block XIV., 6a. 2r. 33p., upset £6; Thomas Moodie, £7. 10s. per acre.

This concluded the sale, which had proceeded vigorously from noon until half-past 7 without an interval. It was excellently conducted by the Government auctioneer, with-out a dispute of any description.