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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 14

30.—The Tenures at the Restoration in 1660

30.—The Tenures at the Restoration in 1660.

Immediately before the restoration of Charles II. the convention parliament passed an ordinance (in the absence of the king) for an assessment of £70,000 a month for three months. This ordinance was confirmed after the arrival of the king by the statute 12 Car. II. c. 2, intituled, "An act for putting in execution an ordinance mentioned in this act" a. This assessment was continued for three months longer by two subsequent statutes, viz., by 12 Car. II. c. 20, which granted £70,000 a month for two months, and 12 Car. II. c. 21, which granted £70,000 a month for one month. The preamble of the last mentioned statute, the 12 Car. II. c. 21, recites, that "the assessment is granted in consequence of your Majesty's urgent occasions whilst your Majesty's revenue stands unsettled, and your just rights and prerogatives in point of tenures, and the use of the court of wards, are forborne" b. This is sufficient evidence of the intention of parliament to re-establish the monarchy, with all its feudal incidents, as it existed previously to the parliamentary rebellion against Charles I.

a Rot. Par. 12 Car. II. p. 1, nu. 2. The preamble recites the circumstances under which the act was passed: "Whereas in the absence of His Majesty an ordinance of both Houses of Parliament was made, intituled: An ordinance of the Lords and Commons for an assessment of £70,000 by the month, upon England, for three months, for the supply of the present occasions of the King's Majesty, and for ana towards the payment and satisfaction of the armies and navies continued for the defence of this Kingdom, and of other the necessary and urgent occasions thereof. Now therefore, &c., be it enacted," &c.

b 12 Car. II. c. 21 s. 1.